This week we will be looking at rhyming words. The children have struggled to recognise words that rhyme. We will be playing a range of rhyming games and activities to develop the children’s understanding of the end of the words having to sound the same. See if your child can carry on a rhyming string i.e. rat, cat, sat, mat . . . . made up words are fine as long as they containing the rhyming sound at the end of the word. Story books are a great place to find rhyming words. Choose a bed time story that rhymes and see if your child can help you find which words rhyme.

This week we will be assessing the children to see if they have retained the sounds learned so far and are able to aurally and orally blend simple cvc words. Continue to practise the sounds sent home every night and combining the sounds to read simple words. Your child could also practise writing the letters and even have a go at writing simple cvc words.

This week we will be continuing to work with the numbers 1,2 and 3. We will be focusing on the language of more and identifying what one more is as well as recognising which group has more. We will finish he week playing a game with 3 beanbags and seeing how many we get into the hoop, identifying who scored more.

The weather has now got significantly colder. Please be reminded that the children spend a large portion of the day outside even when it is raining. It is essential that your child has a warm waterproof coat with a hood in school every day. We encourage children to put their gloves in their coat pocket when they are not wearing them and hats to be put into the sleeve of their coat when they take them off. This allows them to be easily accessible for when your child needs them and doesn’t require them to search through bags or drawers. Please encourage this at home also so that the children are receiving the same message.

We would like to say a big thank you to those parents that have contributed to our weekly 50p collection. The money is helping us to purchase resources to help enhance our provision. We were recently able to buy pumpkins for the children to bash and dissect and a range of vegetable for our Harvest shop which helped the children learn about different types of vegetable. Your support is very much appreciated. If you would rather send in a donation for the year rather than weekly then please send it in with your child in an envelope and we can add it to the collection.
The children break up for the half term holidays on Friday 27th October. Have a lovely half term break and enjoy any Halloween celebrations you may be having.
The Reception Team