This week we will be focusing on the topic of dinosaurs. The children really enjoyed the monster stories last week and many of the children have an interest in playing with dinosaurs so we have planned in some activities to support these interests. We will be talking about fiction and non-fiction texts looking at examples of both. The children will learn the difference and will carry out a range of tasks linked to both types of texts such as role play, craft activities and helping to write a class fact file. We will be introducing vocabulary such as carnivore, omnivore and herbivore. Use this as an opportunity to ask your child what they have found out about dinosaurs and see if they can share any of the new words they have learned.

Last week the children were introduced to the first four letter sounds m, a, s and d. They should have brought home these letter cards on Friday. Please ask your child to practise these sounds each night to prepare them for when they get a reading book once they know and can blend the first set of set one sounds. We will continue to teach the children more set 1 sounds this week and again will send these sounds home to be practised alongside the other sounds. If your child is confident with their sounds then begin to put the sounds together to make simple words e.g. s-a-d, a-m, m-a-d. This will help your child to begin to read. Below is a link to the parent page for Read Write Inc if you want more information on the program. Below are some videos of the sounds learned this week.

This week in Maths we will be looking at comparisons. We will be comparing height, length, size and capacity. We will be focusing on the language of comparison; bigger/smaller, taller/shorter, more/fewer etc. Can your child use the correct language at home to identify differences. For instance which shoes are longer? Who is the tallest/ shortest in the family?

The children have all settled now into school very well and look very smart in their school uniform. Please check your child’s items so that a name is clearly visible as we would like any lost items to get back to its rightful owner. If your child does not need a big backpack then please do not send one. The children find them quite difficult to carry and they take up a lot of room in the cloakroom. The only bag required for school is a book bag so that any letters, pieces of work or home reading activities can be put in for taking home. Please get into the habit of checking your child’s bag each night and removing anything not needed. Can we remind you that P.E is on a Monday and children should come into school on this day wearing their P.E kit of black bottoms, a red Coundon t-shirt and hoodie and suitable footwear such as trainers. If your child’s trainers could do up with Velcro that would be a great help to the staff.
Have a lovely week
The Reception Team