Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Week Beginning 27th February 2023

This week we have started a topic on people who help us. We have been thinking about all of the different people who help us and have been thinking about the different ways they help us. We have been dressing up as different people who help us such as police officer, fire fighters, doctors and nurses. We even have our own role-play fire station outside. Can your child tell you about the different people that help us and explain how they help?

This week we started in our new phonic groups. We have been reading our new text and have done a range of activities linked to the book. You child will come home with their new book on Friday and their new online book will be set. Please make sure your child reads every night so they can practise the skills they have been learning in school. Your child also has their Reading wise log in now, so please try to go online each day for 5 minutes to support your child’s phonic skills.

In Maths this week we are focusing on more and fewer. We are identifying numbers that are more than a given number and fewer than a given number. We have also been practising our number bonds to 10. Please continue to practise the number bonds to 10. If they are confident with these then can they tell you the corresponding subtraction fact?

Thursday is World Book Day. Remember the children can come in wearing their pyjamas and bring in a soft toy for a story time session. If your child wants to wear a book character costume that is fine but please don’t go to a lot of trouble or expense. We will also be having our brunch time session so your child bring a healthy snack and drink to enjoy if they wish. Fruit and milk will be available as normal.

Have a lovely week,

The Reception Team

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