In phonics this week, the children will be continuing their learning in their new phonics groups. The children will be focusing on reading and writing, using the new sounds they have learned, throughout the week. Encourage your child to keep reading at home and accessing their online homework. The more they are exposed to stories and regular reading, the better they will progress and become a confident reader, going forward.
In maths this week, the children will be learning about odd and even. They will be exploring the different ways we can differentiate between even and odd numbers. We will be taking our learning outside this week, by playing the odd and even game. The children will run around on the playground and when they hear ‘stop’, they find a partner. Does everyone have a partner? Is their someone who is the odd one out? The children will also be listening to the story ‘One Odd Day’ and creating their own ‘Odd Day’ picture.
In the wider curriculum this week, we will be learning about different habitats and what animals might live there. The children will be discussing how different animals are adapted to their habitats and how this might have changed throughout time. By the end of the week, we will be focusing on mini-beasts and exploring the school environment to hunt for them and their habitats.
A reminder that Reception’s Sports Day is on Thursday 7th July at 9am. If all of the children can come into school wearing their P.E kits and ensure they have a full bottle of water.
Have a fantastic week!
The Reception team