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Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Week Beginning 27th March 2023

This week we are continuing with our topic of Spring and are looking at the Christian celebration of Easter. We are learning about the different ways that Christian’s celebrate Easter and are learning about the significance of items linked to Easter such as chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and Easter gardens. We will be learning about the Easter story and why Christians celebrate this time of year. Throughout the week we will be doing a range of Easter activities such as making Easter crowns and cards, tasting hot cross buns, singing Easter songs, making chocolate nests and will be finishing the week with an Easter egg hunt.

Please continue to read every night at home. This gives your child the best support in helping them to move forward with their phonics. The continuous practise allows your child to reinforce the learning done at school by applying what they have learned to their reading. By re-reading the same text it allows your child to build both pace and fluency which will help them become a confident fluent reader. Please also remember to do your ‘Reading wise’ activities as extra phonic practise. Below are some videos to practise some of the set 2 sounds.

This week in Maths we have been consolidating this terms learning. We have been focusing on our number bonds to 10, playing different games to practise using our number bond facts. Keep learning the number bonds at home. Can your child tell you all the different ways that make 10? If confident with their number bonds see if they can tell you the corresponding subtraction fact e.g. 7 +3= 10 so 10-7=3. We have also been recapping our 3D shapes as the children are finding this difficult. Can your child name the 3D shape and tell you some properties such as shape of the faces, number of vertices, does it roll?

School finishes on Friday for the Easter holidays. Your child will bring home their bean stalk plant this week. Please replant at home and look after it. As it grows please take a photo and email it in to us so we can show the class and see how they are getting on.

Have a wonderful Easter break. We are looking forward to a busy summer term once we are back and seeing even more progress with your children’s learning and development,

The Reception Team

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