This week we are beginning our Topic on ‘People Who Help Us’. We will be learning about different job roles and how these people help us. We will be reading stories about a firefighter and a vet and will be looking at information about different jobs. Our reading shelter outside has been made into a fire station and we taking on the role of firefighters in our challenges by squirting water to put out the phonic fires.
Before the holiday we were assessed on our Phonic sounds and some of us have moved phonics groups. We are working hard on learning our special friends (two letters that make one sound). Any phonemes we are learning will be clear to see in your child’s reading book online. The online book is a book that the children have read in school so when reading at home they should be doing so with some fluency. Any book bag books sent home are an extra practise of the phonemes and words being covered in school. Please read both books more than once. The more often your child reads the more confident and fluent they become. Ensure you log on to the online book and quiz each week and read the book several times until your child is reading it fluently.
In Maths this week we are continuing with our topic building 9 and 10. We are working hard to understand the composition of 9 and 10 and are learning our number bonds to 10. The children have been set the challenge of learning their number bonds to 10 off by heart for extra dojo’s! We are also learning about numbers that are near to and far away from each other and using the language of more and fewer.
Thursday is world book day in school. Please come to school dressed as a favourite book character. We will be involved in different activities for world book day throughout the day. If your child would like to bring in a favourite book to share then we would love to see them. We can’t wait to see your wonderful costumes.