This week we are continuing on with our Spring topic with a focus on New Life. We are learning about the life cycle of a Frog, hen and a Butterfly and talking about all of the new life we see in Spring. Last week we went on a Spring walk and we are talking about the signs of new life that we say such as buds on trees, blossom, insects and plants growing. We will also experience stories based on a butterfly and a chick. When out and about, keep looking for those signs of spring.
We are coming to the end of this half terms phonics and will be assessed again at the end of the week ready for new groupings after half term. Continue to read both your book bag book and your online homework every day. Regularly go through you phonic sounds and any red words sent home in your reading diary. Please also remember to get a grown up to share your library book with you and return it on a Friday.
This week we have continued to consolidate our Spring term Maths. We are focusing on counting on and back/ making 10 and recapping our 3D shape names and properties. The children have struggled with 3D shape names so look out at home for the different shapes – cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder and pyramid and talk about their properties to help support this.
Thank you to all those families who have attended our after school library session we hope the children are enjoying choosing a book to share with you. We currently have a collection of jumpers/, cardigans and water bottles without names on. They are outside RMT’s classroom, so please take a look if you have lost any property. Please ensure all clothing and property is named so we can return items to the rightful owner. This week is due to get cold later in the week so can we remind parents that children should come to school each day with a warm waterproof coat as the weather has a tendency to change as the day progresses.
Have a great week
The Reception Team