This week we will be focusing on the book ‘The Dinosaur’ by Anne Milbourne and Mandy Field. We will be linking it back to the work done last week and further developing our knowledge of dinosaurs and the past. The children will focus on a couple of dinosaurs from the text and will be talking about their similarities and differences. We will also do a range of activities linked to dinosaurs across the seven areas of learning both inside and out including actions, songs, models, pictures and crafts. Talk to your child about what they are doing in school, encouraging them to tell you all the things they have found out about. This will be an excellent time to visit the library and maybe find some stories or non-fiction texts about dinosaurs to support their learning in school.

The children are continuing on with their phonic sessions and have been introduced to the next 4 sounds ‘t, i, n and p’. These sounds will be sent home on Friday with your child. Please cut them out and add them to the sounds your child brought home last week. Continue to go through these every night so that your child becomes confident with them and can read them speedily. Once confident start putting the sounds together to make simple words for them to read such as t-i-n and m-a-t. Below are videos of the sounds covered this week for you to watch with your child and encourage them to join in with.

This week in Maths we will be looking at patterns. The children will be completing patterns already started as well as making some of their own patterns. We will be looking at simple ABAB patterns and will then move on to more complicated ABCABC or ABBABBA patterns. We will use lots of natural resources to make their patterns as well as action patterns. See what you can use at home to make patterns. Your child could use toys/ cutlery or fruit. Can your child carry on a pattern? Can they then make their own pattern. Make it more challenging by making a pattern and see if they can identify the mistake.

On Friday your child brought home a Library book for you to read to them. This is a book that your child has chosen. Try to take time each day to read their book to them. Young children love to hear the same story over and over again. Try and use different voices for different characters and encourage your child to join in with repeated refrains. Reading stories to your child regularly and encouraging your child to have a love of books and stories is the best start you can give your child on their reading journey. Please return the library book each Friday so your child can change their book to get a new one. If books are not returned then unfortunately your child will not be able to chose another book.

As the weather changes for the new season can we please remind you to send your child into school with a warm waterproof coat. Work with your child to encourage them to put their coat on by themselves. It is taking the children a long time to get ready for lunch and home time as many of them struggle to put on their coats and are unable to turn the sleeves the right way. Work on this with them so they can be as independent as possible and don’t get frustrated at not being able to do it. If sending gloves and hats in to school (scarfs are not needed in school as they just trail on the floor and can be dangerous on the equipment) please make sure they are clearly named and your child is encouraged to put their gloves in their coat pocket and their hat in their coat sleeve. We ask that they do not go in bags please as the cloakrooms are tight for space and the children struggle to access their backs when they are all hanging up.
If you need to contact your child’s class teacher, please email on
Have a lovely week
The Reception Team