Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Week Beginning 31st January

In phonics this week, the children will be continuing their learning in their specific phonics groups. It has been lovely to see that most of them have been participating in their reading and phonics activities at home. Keep up the hard work! Can we remind all parents that the library books that get sent home on a Friday, do not need to be recorded in the reading records. These books are for you to read to your child throughout the week. Each child will have specific phonics materials in their record, depending on their phonics group. These will be sent home every Friday. This may be a barcode with online activities, reading booklets or a phonics book. Your child should spend time reading and completing the activities throughout the week, and these to be noted down by a grown-up, regarding when and how they got on with them.

Reading clipart free clipart images -

In maths this week, we will be delving deeper into our learning of 6, 7 and 8. We will be focusing on our number bonds and adding different numbers to get to 6, 7 and 8. The children will also be playing games, such as the memory game, to learn how to recognise these numbers in different ways. They will also be creating their own memory game to play with a friend, using their number bonds to help them. The children will also be using a tens frame to support their understanding. They will be discussing what they notice when different amounts of counters, cubes etc. are placed on the frame. What do you notice? How many gaps?

8 Number Png Picture - Number 8 Clipart PNG Image | Transparent PNG Free  Download on SeekPNG

In the wider curriculum this week, we will be learning all about the Chinese New Year. We will start the week looking at how people in China prepare for the New Year and how they might celebrate it. We will discuss our own celebrations and how they might differ from other people’s. The children will then learn about where the Chinese New Year tradition originated, and will listen to the story about the animals crossing the river. We will also be making Chinese lanterns and dragons throughout the week, for the children to send home. At the end of the week, the children will have the opportunity to try some Chinese food and discuss their likes and dislikes after trying them.

129 Chinese New Year Parade Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

Have a great week!

The reception team

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