Welcome to
Coundon Primary School
Together Everybody Achieves More

Week beginning 31st October

This week we are continuing with our topic of celebrations. We will be focusing on bonfire night. We will be learning about bonfire night and Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate bonfire night. We will be singing songs, reading stories, move like fireworks, make a guy and a pretend bonfire and will learn about how to stay safe on bonfire night. We hope to see you all at our firework display on Wednesday evening – if you haven’t got your tickets then please speak to the staff in the school office.

This week we have split into our new phonics groups. Some of the children are having to go back over the sounds that have previously been taught as they are not secure. Please continue to practise going over the letter sounds cards that have been sent home with your child, every night. Once secure with the sounds please start putting the cards together to make simple cvc (consonant, vowel, consonant) words such as s-a-t, p-i-n, d-o-g etc. The rest of the children will continue to learn the rest of the set 1 sounds and will be using these sounds to read and write words. Again continue practising the sound cards every night and make cvc or ccvc (consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant) words such as c-l-a-p, or cvcc word such as j-u-m-p. Some of the children will be bringing a simple book or ditty sheets home. These are to be read every night. Please sign your child’s reading diary each time you hear your child read. We have added some more phonic videos for your child to watch and have a go at below:

This week in maths we are starting to focus on 1, 2, 3. The children are looking for the amounts in different ways without having to rely on counting e.g. recognising what the numbers look like on a dice, on fingers, on dominoes, as a numeral. as a group. We will also be looking at and developing our understanding of how these amounts are made up. A deep understanding of our numbers will help us as we move on to larger numbers. See if you can notice amounts of 1, 2 and 3 around your house or out in the environment. Can you spot 1, 2 or 3 in different ways?

Have a wonderful bonfire night and remember to stay safe.

The Reception Team

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