This week we will be focusing on the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children will be hearing the story, sequencing the story, acting it out as well as creating our own story based on the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Across the week the children will be involved in a range of activities that focus on the story and will be trying to build their own bridges for the goats to go over. Talk about the story with your child. Can they retell the story? Encourage them to use different voices for the different characters. maybe have a look at any other traditional tales you may have at home and compare the stories. Do any of the other stories have 3 main characters?

Please continue to regularly go through all of the sounds that have been sent home with your child. Put the sounds together to make CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant)words for them to blend and read. If your child is confident with CVC words then move on to words containing CCVC or CVCC words such as ‘stop’ and ‘tuft’. Below are some more blending videos that your child can try to support their blending skills.

In Maths this week, the children will continue to engage with activities that develop their understanding of composition, or the numbers within numbers. A key focus will be on exploring ways to represent numbers using the Hungarian number pattern (die pattern). These key representations will help to underline the ‘5-ness’ of 5, and provide structures that will support exploration of its composition and its relationships with other numbers. The children will secure their understanding of the pairs of numbers that make 5, and then use double dice frames to begin to explore 6 and 7 as numbers that are composed of ‘5 and a bit’. When the children can compose and flexibly decompose numbers mentally, they will become more fluent in their knowledge of number bonds and will be able to use these to become efficient when calculating in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

This week is Children’s Mental Health week. Across the school children will be involved in activities related to their own mental health. In Reception we will be focusing on the emotion of ‘Joy’ and will be discussing all the ways that we can find joy to help us feel happy and what to do if we are not very happy. This a great time to check in with your own child and see how they are feeling. Take time to sit together away from technology and any other distractions and ask them what makes them feel joyful and what you can do to help them feel joy in their life.
Have a lovely week,
The Reception Team