We hope you had a lovely half term holiday and the children are ready for their final half term in Reception. The next few weeks will be busy ones with the children getting ready to start year 1, sports day, assemblies as well as our beach day. We are looking forward to lots of fun and having an enjoyable last few weeks with your children. Mrs Alford will be joining us in Reception as the TA for RMT. We are delighted to welcome Mrs Alford to the team.
The children were all assessed before the holidays and will be starting in their new phonics groups this week. They are doing very well with their phonic sounds and are now using the sounds they know to help them write as well as read. Keep up with the online work and reading books at home. There are also a couple of videos below to help practice some of the sounds.
In Maths this week we will be focusing on patterns. The children have a good knowledge of basic repeating patterns but we will now look at more complex patterns and how patterns can be made in different ways. The children will be identifying pattern rules and will be creating their own patterns in different ways.
This week we will have a focus on poetry looking at what a poem is and how to perform a poem. We will be writing our own class poems and will also perform a poem using expression and intonation to bring our poems to life. This would be good opportunity to look for rhyming words in books that you read with your child. Can they recognise the words that rhyme? Can they think of any other to extend the rhyming string?
RMT will be presenting their class assembly on Wednesday 5th June. RMT parents are invited to come along and watch.
We would like to say a massive thank you for the amazing sponsor money that has so far been sent in to school. We have raised over £1000 which will now be spend on books that support the topics being taught for the children to read. If there is any outstanding sponsor money please send it in ASAP.
Have a lovely week,
The Reception Team