Hello Reception. We would just like to say a massive well done to all those children having a go at the work set. It was lovely to see all of your photos. We love to see all the fantastic things you have been doing.
If you didn’t manage to email your class teacher last week then please try to do so this week so we can keep in touch. The email addresses are: RMT@coundon.coventry.sch.uk RSP@coundon.coventry.sch.uk RLJ@coundon.coventry.sch.uk
Later this week your child’s class teacher will be ringing you to give you your child’s school email address and password. This will enable you to be able to live chat with staff for a given period about the work set. We will be using Microsoft teams to enable live chat so that you can discuss any problems you are having with the work. We will let you know next week when staff will be available. This weeks work can be found below. We have converted the Power-points to PDF’s for anyone who is unable to access PowerPoint.
This weeks Maths focus’ on the book ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. If you haven’t got the book at home then follow this link to find the story on YouTube. It would be a good idea to read the story first so that your child is familiar with the story.
If you would like a little extra challenge in Maths then you will find some digging deeper activities below
Our curriculum work this week is a continuation of our Spring theme with a focus on life cycles. This should link nicely to this weeks Maths work and the life cycle of a butterfly.
Have a wonderful week everybody. Don’t forget to celebrate VE day on Friday. Unfortunately when planning this weeks work the teachers forgot about Friday being a bank holiday. We planned for 5 days work but don’t feel you have to do all 5 days if you are having a break on Friday. If you do anything to celebrate V.E day then please send us a photo showing us what you did. We are looking forward to speaking to you all this week and will answer your emails as soon as we can.
Take care and stay safe,
The Reception Team