Welcome back, we hope you had an enjoyable half term break and the children are feeling well rested. This term will be a busy one with lots to look forward to. Hopefully you received your letter about Ash End farm. This is a lovely trip for the children where they get to see and feed a range of animals as well as joining in with a range of Christmas activities such as the nativity story and a visit to see Father Christmas. We will let you know arrangements nearer the time. If you did not receive an email about the trip then please visit the admin team in the school office and they will be able to help.

This week we will be focusing on celebrations. We will be talking about celebrations that have already happened and will be having a focus on Bonfire night and Guy Fawkes. We will talk about how the children have celebrated bonfire night and will be learning about why we celebrate Guy Fawkes. The children will be involved in a range of creative and active activities and will be relating the celebrations to their own celebrations. On Wednesday evening the school is hosting a firework display. There will be a range of stalls available, hot food and a fantastic firework display for you all to enjoy. We hope to see you all there, tickets are still available from the school office.

The children have now all been assessed and have been allocated their new phonics groupings. They will begin working on the sounds they do not know and will then be introduced to new letter sounds. Continue to work on the letter sounds sent home and particularly on blending the sounds together to read words. We will be sending home reading diaries soon with links to home videos that we would like you to watch with your child. This will be your child’s reading homework so please sign the diary each time you watch a video or read some words to let us know how your child is getting on with the sounds at home. Below are some additional links to videos that you may want to watch with your child.

This week in Maths we will begin to look at some 2D shapes and their properties and positional language. We will be focusing on circles and triangles. We will be talking about number of sides and identifying shapes in the environment. We will be reading Rosie’s walk and will be going on our own walk that focuses on over, under, on top, in front and behind. See if your child is confident with positional language. Play a game where you give them an instruction to stand in front, behind, on top etc, or they could place a toy in the positions. Can they tell you where the toy is?
Can we please remind all parents to check that all of their child’s clothes are labelled. We have a number of jumpers and cardigans without names on. Names written in pen wash off very quickly so please check them regularly.
We are looking forward to an exciting term in the run up to Christmas. The weather is likely to get much colder now so please make sure your child has a warm waterproof coat and they will need named gloves and a hat.
The Reception Team