In phonics this week, we will be reciting the phonemes we have previously learned – s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, e, u, r, h, b, f. Our new learning will focus on the letter ‘l’. We will be thinking of simple words we can write using the letter ‘l’, for example, ‘leg’, ‘lend’, ‘lad’, ‘lest’. We will also be recapping out tricky words and how we can use these in a sentence. The children love playing phonics games, there are some free resources on PhonicsPlay if you would like to play some at home to support their learning.

In maths this week, we are consolidating our learning from the term, using Christmas themed activities. We will be focusing on size, patterns, numbers up to 5 and shapes. The children will be creating Christmas cards using triangles, circles, squares and rectangles. Ask the children if they can spot different shapes in the environment, such as, windows, doors, bricks etc.

In the wider curriculum, we will be practising our Nativity ready to be recorded for the following week. If you haven’t already done so, can you please return your consent slips for your children to be recorded, please.