This week the children should have accessed their on line account with Oxford owl and should have done the activities set. Well done to those children that have read their book more than once. Make sure you also read any book bag reading books that have been sent also. Library books are separate to this and should be read by an adult. This does not need to be recorded in the reading diary. The reading diary is just for the books and online activities that your child is reading. Keep going through the letter sounds regularly with your child especially the special friends ch, sh, th, qu, ng, nk and ck as these are the ones they keep getting stuck on. Get your child to make words with the cards to help develop their blending and segmenting skills.
This week in Maths we are focusing on Measure. The children will be building tall and short towers, long and short snakes and will be looking at time. We will be talking about the sequence of the day, days of the week and introduce o’clock playing ‘whats the time Mr Wolf’. To develop mastery we will be asking questions such as ‘how many bricks taller is the tower?’, ‘What’s the difference between the two snakes?’, ‘How do you know?’, ‘What day comes after Tuesday?’ etc
In the wider curriculum we will be continuing on with our work on Chinese New Year and the year of the Tiger. We will be learning about Tigers and their significance. We will learn some facts about Tigers and will be focusing on the story of ‘The Tiger who Came to Tea’. RMT will be practising their class assembly on Chinese New Year which will be posted on TEAMs later in the week.
Our challenges this week are: To copy a caption using finger spaces, To roll two dice and say the number sum, To discuss with an adult about different celebrations, to cut out a spiral tiger and balance a bean bag as they walk around the wooden posts.
Please encourage your child to dress and undress themselves each day to develop their independence. This is a key developmental skill that Reception children should be able to manage and would be usually addressed when getting changed for P.E. Your help with this would be most appreciated.