This week we will have a focus on transition. The children will be thinking about moving on from Reception and into Year 1. We will be listening to stories and songs and playing a range of games to get ready. We will have a pirate focus to the week concentrating on the story ‘Jakes First Day’ about a pirate. Lots of our activities this week will have a pirate theme. This is a great time to be talking to your child about the move to Reception. Discuss all the things they are going to look forward to and remind them that they have grown so much in Reception and are now ready to learn even more. All the children should now know who their teacher is for Year 1 and they have had the opportunity to meet them. The Year 1 staff will also be talking to the children as much as they can over the next two weeks.

This week in Phonics we will be carrying out our final assessment of the year to set the phonics group for the next academic year. Please go over all of the sounds that your child has learned and see if your child is reading the speedy green words at the back of the on line book speedily without the need to Fred talk. We will collect all books in on Wednesday so that we can get all the books sorted for next year. Please have a look at home for any books not previously returned. We will also collect in the children’s library books on Friday, again please have a look and return any school library books that you may have at home.

Our focus in Maths this week will be games. The children will play a range of different games practising some of the key skills they have learned throughout the year. The children really enjoy playing games. This is something that is lovely to do as a family. Simple games like snakes and ladders, snap, pairs, dominoes or any other simple game. Orchard Farm games have a fantastic range of games designed for young children that the children always love when we play them in school.

This week will be our last full week as we finish on Thursday the 18th July. We hope to see you at sports day on the 16th July. Children should come into school in their P.E kit with a named water bottle.
Enjoy your week,
The Reception Team