In phonics this week, the children will be continuing their set group objectives. Some of the phonics groups will be focusing on recapping the sounds they have already learned and using Fred-Talk to blend sounds together to make the word. The children will need to be secure in their sounds before moving on. Other phonics groups will be learning the sounds ‘j’, ‘r’, ‘v’, ‘y’ and ‘w’. The children will be learning how to say the new sound and how to write it down using the correct letter formation. The children will also be using the sounds they have learned to create simple CVC words. In our daily handwriting, the children will start to write simple captions such as, ‘a cat sat’. We will be introducing fingers spaces and why they are important when we write.
In maths this week, we will be continuing our learning of 1, 2 and 3. This week, we will be focusing on more and less than, matching the numeral to the amount of objects and adding 1 more. The children will be playing the ‘more than card game’ and ‘splat the match’. We will also be playing the bean bag game, where the children will be throwing 3 beanbags into the hoop and adding up how many they managed to get in. They will then be comparing their scores with their partner – who got the most points?
In the wider curriculum this week, we will be talking about how we are all different. We will also be discussing the different celebrations we have been learning about and how some of us celebrate them and others do not. The children will be given the opportunity to discuss what they are good at and how we can all be good at different things.
On Thursday, we will be learning about Remembrance Day and the importance of why we remember all the brave men and women that gave their lives, so we could live the life we do today. We will also be discussing the significance of the poppy and why people wear them in honour of Remembrance Day.
Have a fabulous week!
The Reception team