Well done everyone for all your hard work with home schooling! We understand it has been difficult and times and are very appreciative of all your efforts. We urge you to continue with the home schooling in this final week.
We would like you to continue with the phonics scheme this week. Miss Plimmer’s, Miss Warsop’s and Mrs Hollingsworth’s groups should carry on with the Reception learning for the week beginning 22nd June.
Miss Jones’ and Mrs Johnson’s groups should continue with the Reception tab from the 18th May.
Mrs Towner’s group should follow the Year 1 tab for the 22nd June.
We have attached the Oxford reading link below also to continue reading as much as possible.
This week’s maths is based on the story ‘how many legs’. It has some really nice sorting and grouping activities to have a go at and also activities consolidating ‘more and less than’ concepts using tens frames. We have attached the story on Youtube too.
We have also attached the link to the maths games site ‘top marks’ for a fun way to practice some skills.
This week we would like you to focus on the transition from Reception to Year 1. The Cautious caterpillar story is attached and some activities that refer to the story to help aid discussion and hopefully ease any anxieties about starting Year 1.
Thank you for being a wonderful Reception Year group. We are very sad that we didn’t get to finish the year with you. Have a fantastic summer break. We will come and see you all when you are in year 1. Sending you all big virtual hugs.
Mrs Towner, Miss Warsop, Miss Jones, Mrs Johnson, Miss Plimmer and Mrs Hollingsworth X X X X X X X X X X X