Year 4 – Home learning
Each child will be provided with a Home Pack. In this pack your child will have everything they need to continue their learning at home for the next two weeks.
Attached is the following;
English activity grid and Maths activity grid – select one of the tasks each day to complete. Any sheets needed are attached and there are also some websites (including videos) that will support them with their learning/activity.
Home learning project x 2 – attached are two sheets with a variety of activities on them linked to a theme. Please complete all of the tasks on the sheet. Each theme/is expected to last a week.
Reading book – please get your child to read for at least 10 mins each day.
In addition, your child will have access to the following websites. Please use the logins attached to access them.
Spelling shed and maths shed –
This link and the login will give your child access to spellingshed and maths shed. Once logged in they can select a variety of games to play to practise their spellings and basic maths skills. Year 4 should select stage 3 and 4.
Fiction Express –
This website will allow your child access to a huge range of fiction books. Year 4 should be selecting books from Level 2, however, your child may need to select Level 1 if they find this challenging. Each books has 5 short chapters, which they can read online. After each chapter they are able to vote on what they think will happen in the next chapter and also answer a short quiz to check their understanding.
Times Tables Rockstars –
Your child will already have a log in for this. Please encourage them to do this daily with a focus on Soundcheck. This will support them when they come to do the multiplication check in June.
Please find below a list of websites that your child may wish to use in addition to those above. Please encourage your child to keep a record of any websites they visited and maybe even write a small comment on what they thought of it and what they did.
Variety of fun online reading material based around different reading skills.
Huge range of books including non-fiction – Oxford reading tree books
Ideas of what children can do once they have read something or if they are unsure on what to read next.
Writing and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Variety of games for recapping spelling, punctuation and grammar skills as well as story prompts, poetry and more. -A variety of games and activities linked to spelling. -A variety of games and activities linked to spelling and grammar.
A variety of interactive games linked to all areas of spelling, reading and writing.
Select a variety of activites on the left hand side of the page. Activities are linked to word classes etc.
Select the 7-11 category. Variety of fun interactive games to support the practise of basic skills. Daily 10 and hit the button are very popular in our classes. – A huge range of games linked to each of the times tables.
A range of problem solving and reasoning activities, to really challenge the mind! – Variety of maths games
Spanish – Select Spanish and then basics. Fun way of continuing to learn the language.
Music – Link to a range of websites offering ideas on how to listen to music, play music, sing etc.
A range of songs linked to the Romans.
Science – lots linked to our teeth and eating science topic
Various videos