Hi all,
For all of those children that are working from home over the next few days, here are just a few things you need to help you;
- All of your work will be on Teams under the files section and in the folder with the days date on it. We will upload the next days work on the afternoon before.

2. There is a good morning video explaining what you need to do, but there are also instructions on the General message section on Teams.
3. Each day there will be one lesson which has been recorded to give you further detail. On Monday 16th November it will be for your English lesson. You will find this in the files section and tagged in the messages under general.
4. Mrs Walton and Mrs McManus will be on Teams each day between 10-12 to help you with your work.
5. Please send some of your work to 4mw@coundon.coventry.sch.uk, so we can see how fab you are all doing!